PMHA now has the ability to edit our Health Check questions. As of tonight, the Health Check in TeamSnap will have updated questions that reflect the current guidance from the BCCDC.

We are asking that all players experiencing any of the listed symptoms do not attend ice sessions and complete the BC COVID-19 Self Assessment Tool. Please continue to use the PMHA Return to Play Infographic to guide your Return to Play process.

Thank you for continuing to support our efforts to keep our community healthy!

Updated Health Check Questions:

  1. Are you currently experiencing a fever of 38ºC (100.4ºF) or greater?


  1. Have you received a positive result from a COVID-19 test within the past 14 days?


  1. Have you been in contact with anyone while they have had COVID-19 in the past 14 days?


  1. In the past 14 days, have you, or someone you have been in contact with, travelled outside of Canada?


  1. Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms (even mild ones)? Fever or chills, cough, loss of sense of smell or taste, difficulty breathing, sore throat, loss of appetite, extreme fatigue or tiredness, headache, body aches, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. If yes, please complete the BC COVID-19 Self Assessment Tool.