Victoria Regional Hockey Gear Swap & BBQ
Juan de Fuca Minor Hockey is hosting a city-wide gear swap. All associations from Kerry park to Peninsula have been invited, so there should be lots to choose from.
Saturday July 21st 10am – 2pm at Western Exchange Park and Ride (corner of Island Hwy & Ocean Blvd.)
Bring down your old gear to sell it, or come have a look for something that your player(s) needs.
Starting at 9am, you will be able to drop off anything you’d like to sell. All items will be looked over to ensure they are safe and in decent quality before they are accepted for the sale. NO HELMETS WILL BE ACCEPTED.
The sale goes from 10am to 2pm. There will be bbq’d hotdogs and drinks.
Once the sales end, people will have until 2:30pm to come down and pick up their items and any moneys made from the sale of an item. Anything remaining (items and/or cash) will be donated.
If you have a decent amount of gear and want to arrange a table for it, just want to confirm your participation, or have questions, please email Ryan at