PMHA remains committed to keeping our kids playing the sport they love while also keeping them safe. We are still in the midst of a COVID pandemic, and the reality is we have cases of COVID in our community. For some of us, these cases are the first time we have felt COVID so close to home. PMHA understands the fear this can elicit for some members and acknowledges the individual reasons for those fears. The best way to keep our players and volunteers safe is to follow the health and safety measures we already have in place. At this time, we are asking all teams to re-acquaint themselves with our health and safety measures.

  1. All team members should complete their Health Checks before Team Activities. Checking ourselves for symptoms in the best line of defense against COVID. No one should attend PMHA events with symptoms (this mean new and unusual symptoms, we understand some individuals suffer from predictable allergies etc.).
  2. Wash or Sanitize your hands before or when you enter an arena. Keeping our hands clean and avoiding touching our faces is still an important part of keeping ourselves and others healthy, thereby limiting the spread of COVID-19.
  3. All team members should wear a mask at all times when inside. For team members, this mask is only removed right before they are required on the ice, and is promptly put back on when they return to the dressing room.
  4. Players should distance whenever possible. Please utilize 2 dressing rooms whenever possible, and encourage the players to distance as much as possible on the bench.

PMHA is currently updating our Communicable Disease Plan and our Return to Play form. This will be shared association wide very soon. The main points to reinforce are:

  1. PMHA managers should be informed if a player or Team Staff have tested positive for COVID. The manager will then liaise with the PMHA COVID Coordinator to determine next steps for the team.
  2. Players or Team Staff who have tested positive should not return to team activities until the Return to Play form and process have been completed. Team Managers and the COVID Coordinator can assist with this process.
  3. Public Health will advise PMHA if an exposure requires a pause to hockey activities.

If you have questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out to our VP of Admin or COVID Coordinator.