
Resource Library

The resources in this section of our website are for the parents, volunteers, coaches, and referees who spend countless hours working to deliver minor hockey programs for the kids on the Saanich Peninsula.  While we have made every effort to make the Resources menu as simple as possible, if you still cannot find what you need please try the "Search" feature available on the desktop version of this website. Search is unavailable on mobile devices at this time.

Coach's Locker
Information, resources, and links for our coaches and assistant coaches.
All the common forms that you may need during the season. Includes PMHA forms and links to commonly requested forms from BC Hockey and the Vancouver Island Amateur Hockey Association.
Raffles and 50/50
Details regarding how to conduct gaming events in compliance with Provincial requirements. Includes downloadable 50/50 draw winner forms, and links to external resources.
Referee's Circle
Information for referees and those who may wish to become referees.
Safety & Risk Management
Key resources for Team Safety People and others who are responsible for the well-being of our players, including information about concussion awareness.
Team Manager Resources
Everything a Team Manager needs to support the kids, coaches, and parents, including detailed manuals.
Volunteer Information
Volunteers are always needed! This page contains details about available opportunities, and the required levels of certification.